Fall 2009 Emergency Password

The emergency password to access databases has been changed for the Fall 2009 semester! If your 800# is not working properly, this emergency password will grant you access. You can view the password on the Resnick Library’s Vancko Hall page, under the Databases Forum.   The summer password will work for another week, then be deactivated.

Please contact the library when your 800# does not work as well.  With the beginning of the fall semester, most students who were experiencing problems over the summer should find that their 800#’s are working.

Have a great semester!

Nursing Faculty Publishes EKG Handbook

Congratulations to Theresa A. Middleton Brosche on her new book, The EKG Handbook (2009) published by Jones & Bartlett. 

EKG Handbook cover art

 Intended for nurses in the clinical setting, this compact guide includes topics such as brief anatomy of the heart, depolarization, and repolarization, abnormal electrical conduction pathways, EKG leads and electrical activity, speedy six step method for twelve lead EKG analysis and more. 

This text is currently located in the  Resnick Library Faculty Publication Display Cabinet and is available for check-out.  It will eventually be located in the main collection at:    CIRC RC683.5.E5 B726 2010.
Theresa Ann Middleton Brosche, MSN, BSN, RN, CCRN, is an adjunct faculty with the SUNY Delhi online BSN program.  She obtained an MSN with a Specialization in Education in 2007 from Walden University, a BSN in 1987 from College Misericordia, and a Diploma in Legal Nurse Consulting in 1999 from the National Institute for Paralegal Arts and Sciences. She has served as a staff nurse, charge nurse, clinical head nurse, educator, consultant, author, and national presenter. She has authored many articles in various publications.

Office ’07 Available in Library

Thanks to the folks at CIS (Campus Information Systems), all the student computers in Resnick Library and Bush 226/Library Lab have been upgraded to Office 2007 this summer.  This includes the Merrill Room desktops.

Earlier versions of Office documents open fine  in 2007, but if you want to revert back to 2003, just ‘save as’ the older version (or RTF which is more compatible across systems).  You can also open 07 documents in Office 2003 as long as you have the free converter from Microsoft.  Ask the Help Desk if you have any questions.


New Online Databases and Trials

The Resnick Library hopes that the summer is a time for rest and relaxation for both the students and faculty of SUNY Delhi, but don’t assume for one second that your librarians have been dozing the summer away.  The Resnick Library has acquired some great new databases and titles, as well as some trial subscriptions worth checking out.  First, we’ll start with the new purchased items:

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Journals Online
AVMA publishes two excellent veterinary journals which the library has had in print for many years.  We are now happy to announce that with our print subscription comes the electronic version of the American Journal of Veterinary Research (AJVR) and the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) from the year 2000 to the present.

Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL): New Titles
The GVRL reference e-book database has been originally provided to SUNY Delhi through our consortium with the other SUNY schools (SUNYConnect), but now we are proud to announce that the following titles have been added to the collection:
Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd ed.
Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
National Survey of State Laws, 6th ed.
Psychology of Classroom Learning, an Encyclopedia

Salem History
Salem History is NOT just about the Salem witches.  Salem is a publishing company that provides great reference resources in many different subject areas.  The library has purchased a great new biographical reference resource called Musicians and Composers of the 20th Century.  This is available in the Reference section of the library in print (REF ML105 .M883 2009), but also will be available in an online database form through Salem History.  It contains biographies and histories of the great musicians of this past century.  Check it out, and look for more to come, since the library intends to purchase the 13-volume biographical reference called Great Athletes to be released in September, which will also be a part of the Salem History database package.

And now for some great titles that the library will be providing as trials for part of the Fall semester (keep in mind that by giving us feedback on these materials, we can better decide whether or not it is useful to purchase them).  All trials are found in the find articles A-Z and by Subject listings:

Art & Architecture Complete
This database if provided through EBSCO, and is shaping up to be an excellent resource as it covers a wide variety of pertinent subjects, including antiques, art and art history, interior and landscape design, and much more. We will have access for a trial period for this month and during part of the Fall semester.  It is also this month’s featured database.

This database is provided through Gale, and it is a SUNY-wide trial.  It is a new online resource that offers authoritative content on the development of emerging green technologies and discusses issues on the environment, sustainability and more.  This should be on trial for much of the Fall semester.