Nursing Multicultural Health Care Project

For your project, you are asked to choose an ethnic group and examine cultural values, family relationships, diet/nutrition – or- choose a religion and examine beliefs related to birth, death and dying.

There are plenty of resources available to you on site at the Library or through the library web site. Read on!

You’ll be using three basic resources for this project:

–Reference handbooks, encyclopedias and other books in the library (see our Health and Culture guide or search in the library catalogs yourself) Great for getting a quick overview of a religion or cultural group.

–Nursing and health care journal articles. These articles will be more focused on a specific topic. Use the “E-Resources by Subject” link off the library home page to access the various search engines (CINAHL, ScienceDirect, etc.). Most of these search engines will deliver the article to your desktop….or you can request the article through Interlibrary Loan. Ask a librarian for details.

–Web sites (see the list of great resources we’ve already located, or try your own searching)

To get started… on the library E-Resources by subject page, scroll down to “Multicultural Topics” and “Nursing, Health” to get into the various search engines like CINAHL, World Cultures Today, etc.

How to cite your sources….
The Resnick Library APA guide shows you how to cite the most common sources you will encounter in your research. For more information, ask a librarian.

Let us know if we can help!
Pam, Angela, and Steve

Business Law

What are the legal issues in your industry? 
Keep up with the professional and trade journals in your field.  Current issues are available in the Resnick Library on the main floor.  Or, find articles published in hundreds of business magazines, trade journals and newspapers through any of the electronic databases such as Business Source Premier or Lexis/Nexis.  All of these are available through the library web E-Resources by Subject page.

Check out our online reference shelf for Legal Resources and Court Decisions (scroll down page) for definitions of legal terms, the text of major supreme court decisions, links to law libraries and other useful legal resources.

How do you cite cases, laws, etc.?  
Try this excellent guide from Cornell Law School, or consult the industry standard, the Blue Book (available for purchase).

‘How-To’s’ for VetSci Research On-Line

Quick Research Tips for VetSci  

Researching a topic?  The on-line services on the Resnick Library website offer access to our on-line reference shelf and on-line journals where you can find articles and information on your topic. The Resnick Library website also allows you to connect with Resnick Librarians for research help using AIM (resnicklibrary), email or phone.  

Why use on-line journals (also called periodicals)?

  • You are usually able to print the full article, so you will have it right in front of you!
  • Journal articles are authoritative and much better than a random internet search
  • Journals typically will print special issues on various topics in your field, and
  • Journal articles will list ‘References’ at the end that will lead to further research and information.

 Let’s Start! 

Let’s say we want to find articles which compare and/or review software used in Veterinary practice. 

You could use any of the periodicals (journals) which we offer either on-line or in print format in Resnick Library (see attached file for complete listing). 

Here’s how you do it: Choose an on-line journal or journal index and begin your search.  

Example 1:

  1. Choose Agricola (on-line journal index) from our All E-resources by Subject page under the heading Veterinary Science.
  2. Notice you can do a keyword, basic or advanced search. The page will default to a keyword search.
  3. Type in search terms such as software, veterinary practice, etc.
  4. When you receive your returned results, scroll through and find a title or titles that you think best suit your topic (in this case ‘Paperless Practice’ looks good).
  5. Click on the titles and note the journal name, volume & number, date, and page #’s (in this example, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 1:1, June 1, 2001, p. 1776-1777).

Chances are, we have this journal article in the Library and can either copy it for you (and fax, mail, email etc) or you can Inter Library Loan the article from another institution.  

 Example 2:

  1. Let’s try the same search in PubMed (listed under Nursing/Health on All E-Resources by Subject page, don’t be afraid to try databases in other disciplines)
  2. Click on ‘All Databases’ on the top black navigation bar.
  3. Enter in our search terms ‘Software and Veterinary Practice’, click go.
  4. You’ll see 457 returned results in PubMed Central  (free, full text articles), so let’s check that out. Click on the number 457.
  5. Lot’s of good titles here! You can either click on the summary to see what the article is about, or click on the PDF which will give you the full text to read.  

You can see that in just a few steps, you can easily find articles and information you will need for just about any topic! 

There are many different databases, journals and journal indexes for you to search in, don’t forget we are closer than you think, and will help you anytime!

Linking to Full Text Articles from PubMed

The PubMed search engine frequently provides a detailed summary of the article (abstract) along with the list of results. If you’re lucky, PubMed will also link your citation to the full text of the article somewhere else — that could be in another database that the library subscribes to (such as ScienceDirect), or it could link to the web site where the free article is available (from the publisher, organization, etc.).

You need to look in two places to track down your article from PubMed: the icon and the LINK OUT button.

First, the icon: To the left of each citation in the list of results from a PubMed search is a small icon that indicates an abstract, no abstract, or free full text available. Just click on the icon (or the title of your article) to read the abstract. This also leads you to other articles related to your search.

Next, the LINK OUT button: To the right of each citation in the list of results is the word LINKS. Click on LINKS and then click again on LINK OUT. This takes to you a new page where you have options to connect (or link) to the full text of articles in journals from another database — but only if your library subscribes to those journals.

For example, in a search for MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), I found an article in the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, August 23, 2007. The article abstract was available from PubMed, but LINK OUT connected me to the actual article in the ScienceDirect database –which Resnick Library subscribes to.

Try a couple of searches yourself and let us if you have any questions. Also try the tutorials from PubMed. They are short, narrated, and very clear! Link to the tutorials and other help on the left navigation menu of the main PubMed page.


Using PubMed for Nursing Articles

PubMed is a free search engine from the National Library of Medicine with access to over 17 million citations to articles, conference proceedings, reports and other documents from medicine, including veterinary science, biomedicine and nursing.

To limit your search to JUST nursing journals, from the  PubMed search page click on the “Limits” tab.  Scroll down to the “Subsets” box and check Nursing Journals.  Then enter your keyword search.

Nursing Journals in ScienceDirect

To find a list of the 160+ nursing journals available to you electronically through ScienceDirect database…’re just two clicks away:

1. Go to ScienceDirect. Note: From off-campus, remember to enter your 800# to access ScienceDirect.

2. On the left menu, you’ll see Browse by Title, Browse by Subject. Scroll down and select Nursing and Health Professions (under “Health Sciences” category).

You can then look at articles in a particular journal, or search by subject/keyword across all publications in the database.

NOTE: We do not subscribe to *everything* in ScienceDirect. To the left of each title is a green or white icon indicating SUBSCRIBED (green) or NON-SUBSCRIBED (white). You can also select JUST the subscribed titles (full-text available) in the Browsing menu.

Ask for help anytime by emailing, calling or IM-ing your librarians.
